Jodi Rothfeld

@jodi rothfeld


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see the world through my lens

I Will Love Who I Am

The beauty of the studio is that we have access to it day and night. Frank White and I had BLAST with my dearest friend Beatrice HDiva , who KILLED this night-time session!  Straight FIRE! “Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am.” — Janelle Monae


It’s been a crazy ride these last 6 months but I am so proud of my families for finding creative solutions to make their simchas memorable despite this pandemic!  “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”― Steve Maraboli


It’s truly an honor to capture the simcha of kids that I have known most of their lives! Mazel tovto Emerson on her special day! You rocked it with grace and style and the whole time with a SMILE!

Start to March!

Good morning my peoples!!! This week is all about playing catch up, flipping tons of sessions, and so much goodness in sneaks to share. Thanks to the patience of all of my clients while I worked through a crazy busy schedule, a grand opening, and sneaky trip to Cali to fill up my well of...


We had the best time with Miss Ava and her mama at The Art Factory a few weeks back! This studio lighting is no joke and is harder than it looks. Even the editing is a bit different but I am totally up for the challenge. Lots more sneaks to come! “And one day she...

At The Art Factory

Texture, great light, indoors, outdoors, props—The Art Factory has it all! I am LOVING the endless creativity and of course the happiness on my clients faces.

Self Love Is Hard

It’s sometimes hard for people to look at a photo of themselves and really love it. But it’s all about perception. And if you saw what I see behind the lens and my perception of you, well……you would be smiling too. It’s a blessing to be able to see that in others. The real test...

Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov to this little gem and her adorable family. I am loving my at home sessions with my families, sometimes less is more. It was a bit cold but the buttery light, bonus puppy appearance, and fierce BB game at the end made it all fun!


I often get asked to do headshots for various websites, headshots, linked-in. Etc. Although I will be diving into more Studio Photography, I sometimes think it’s better to keep it simple. I hope she loves them.